
About Me

Creating an Online Business Can Feel Daunting

And if you make wrong decisions and assumptions right from the start, your online journey will be much more difficult than it needs to be. Some guidance right at the start, to make sure you’re on the right path, sets you up for much greater success!

My Story

After struggling online for years, and seeing others having major success, it was clear I was missing something. There was something fundamentally wrong with what I was doing. I joined all the masterminds and studied all the sales, marketing, webinar, ads, and funnel training, but I was still struggling, while I watched others making over $100K per month! I was doing what all the gurus were telling me to do, but I was still making no progress.

That’s when I realized what was wrong – I had made some fundamentally wrong decisions and assumptions right at the beginning of my online journey. The gurus were all too happy to sell me training on marketing and sales, even though what I was creating was never going to work. After thousands of dollars of courses and thousands of dollars of Facebook Ads, I hit reset, went back to the beginning, and instantly saw where I went wrong. I then had overnight success – if only I had known then what I new now!

I want to save you from the same pain and suffering I had to go through for years. When you validate and test your course idea – which can be done in less than a week – you have confidence that you’re on the right path to success. And this is much better to learn now, rather than in a year from now, after wasting time & money pursuing the wrong idea.

The large companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook all have vast amounts of data on each of us. And this data is all available to everyone to use, evaluate, and test your course idea. You just need to know where to look and how to use this data to your advantage. When you can leverage the value of these large data companies, you instantly know you’re on the right path to success to achieve a one-person one-million dollar business.

Join my next live webinar and I’ll show you how to get on the right path to success to achieve your wildest dreams and live your best life. Don’t watch from the sidelines while everyone else has great success online – be part of the online success that everyone else is having.



As Simon Sinek says, “Start With Why”. I believe that everyone needs a purpose to truly learn and grow in life. My purpose is to help online creators be part of the success that the online world allows us to achieve, and take control of their lives wtih one-person one-million dollar businesses, to be the best version of themsleves and live their best lives.

My Background

Paul Turner Commissioning

Paul Turner, P.Eng, PMP

I am an electrical engineer and a project management professional. I’ve worked in the aerospace industry and power industry, building satellites and rockets for the Canadian Spaded Agency, and building hydro-electric generating stations and HVDC power transmission systems.

I love building things, I always have since I was 5 years old, I’m a creator!

When I got bored with the corporate world, I started building and creating online. I soon found out the online-world is very different than the projects-world. But as an engineer, I love a problem to solve. And I continued to build online until I found out what works and what doesn’t. It’s been an amazing experience to learn and grow without being constrained by the corporate-world. I never really felt like I could be myself while a corporation had their thumb pressing on me, holding me back. You really don’t know how stiffling the corporate-world is until you get out of it.

I’ve learned more about myself and about the real world outside of the ficticious corporate boundaries. I want to share this with you, so you can have the same succees that I’ve had.

These are some of the cool and fun projects I worked on in my past corporate life.

2300 MW 1400 km HVDC Transmission

  • $5.2 billion megaproject
  • 2300 MW HVDC transmission, 1400 km DC line
  • Two HVDC converter stations, DC switchyards, electrode sites
  • Two 230 kV AC Switchyards
  • 4 230 kV Synchronous Condensers

Water Treatment: Pollution Control Center

  • Upgrade plant processes to new environmental standards implementing modern biological processes
  • Expand the plant facilities to accommodate larger flow volumes
  • Replace obsolete control and monitoring distributed control networks

200 MW Hydro-Electric Generation

  • New run-of-river hydro-electric generating station in northern Canada
  • 3 70 MW turbine and generators
  • Unit Control and Monitoring System
  • Balance of Plant Testing and Commissioning
  • 230 kV Gas Insulated Switchgear

Spacecraft Electronics

  • SmallSAT Communication and Data Handling Unit Performance Verification
  • MAIT: Manufacture, Assembly, Integration, and Test
  • Thermal, Vibration, Temperature, Voltage, an Radiation Performance Testing
  • ISS Payload Performance Verification

Booster Motor Qualification

  • RATO Booster Motor – production line verification
  • Qualification of booster motor performance